Oh my goodness....I feel for everyone out there who was affected by this crazy storm. I never fully prepared myself for the after effects of this storm. I want to let everyone know though that we are ok and very blessed to only receive minor damage to our home. We are very lucky to have no damage at the studio, but that area was hit very hard and I feel for all the shops around us that were flooded or hit by trees. Power is still out, so I want to let everyone know that the studio will be closed thru Wednesday. Hopefully, power will be restored by then along with the water receding and the trees removed from the roads. I have tried to call all of our appointments this week during those times, but unfortunately phone service is still not quite back to normal. If you have an appointment during this time please call us to reschedule. The phones are being forwarded to my cell, so if I do not answer please leave a message and I will be sure to call you as soon as possible.
I wish everyone the best and I pray that everything will return to normal as soon as possible.