True Expressions Photography and Ella's Children's Boutique are looking for models to show off in some great clothes and pictures. We are both looking to capture some new ideas and styles and we need your little ones. We are looking for boys and girls ages 6 months (must be able to sit up on their own) to 4 years.
If interested please email a LOW resolution, photo of your child to info@trueexpressionsphotography.com. Title the email "Casting Call" and be sure to include your child's age in the body of the email.
We will have judges choose little ones from each age category. The winners will receive...
- Your free model session from True Expressions Photography
- A $75 portrait credit towards any purchase of pictures form your model session
- A complete outfit from Ella's Children's Boutique
- 30% off a future purchase from Ella's Children's Boutique
- Lots of bragging rights on how cute your little ones are!
We will be accepting photos until JULY 27th AT 7PM (and NO later) so hurry and get those photos emailed.
Winners will be announced August 4th! Please remember all applicants must be willing to sign a model release for True Expressions and Ella's so that we can show off those beautiful photos!
Hurry and send those photos in and good luck!