You know those pictures that you look at that just make you smile....well here are some! I swear every time I look at these pictures I can't help but grin from ear to ear. I love one year pictures, because they are just so much fun, but they are also kind of sad. Most of my one year babies I have photographed multiple times since they were in the belly and see them lots throughout their first year and I know that once they are one I will not be able to see them every few months anymore. :(
Well, these were just way to cute to share. Have fun smiling!
hi i'm chuka.and i'm mongolia. i have younger brother.he's very sleepy and beautiful.i want to have a england or more countries friend because i like learn english. my yahoo id is chuka_1101@yahoo.com write e-mail to me..
these pics are shoo lovely i have never seen a newly borned photographed in such a stunning way
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