Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The next chapter...

I know I have been bad at blogging again, but I have been pulling all nighters (sounds like I'm in college again) to get my new website up. I am happy to say that it is FINALLY up...so if you have not seen it go and check it out. It has lots of new pictures on there, so be sure to check and see if you see any familiar faces. 
On a side note, I would like you to meet this little man. I met this family when his sister was born and I have had lots of fun photographing her throughout her life. I love being able to photograph families and watch as their family grows and changes over time. I think it is truly rewarding. We had lots of fun doing pictures of the new little brother and were even able to snag a few with him and his sister. (Mom, I know you have been patiently waiting so enjoy...he has lots of great shots!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Nichole! I love these pictures of my babies. I can't wait to see all of the proofs.